

2021-22 Curriculum Changes

We Listened to You

The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Rice University listened to feedback from students, faculty and alumni at all levels to create a more user-friendly chemical and biomolecular engineering curriculum. Our hope is that you will find it more customizable, freeing you up to explore an array of courses, while also giving you a solid technical foundation.

Below you’ll find information about which graduating classes are affected by the new changes, as well as some sample curriculums to choose from.

There are now 5 areas of specialization

  1. Biomolecular Engineering
  2. Computational Engineering
  3. Materials/Nanotechnology
  4. Energy/Sustainability
  5. Engineering Breadth

New ChBE Courses

Sample Degree Plans

These are examples of many possible schedules. Please consult a divisional or departmental adviser to customize your degree plan.

BA in Chemical Engineering

BS in Chemical Engineering (BSChE)